( Online- ISSN 2454 -3195 ) New DOI : 10.32804/RJSET

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Vol -  7, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 45 - 68  (2017 ) DOI :


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consists of a small group of sensor nodes used to gather data from the area which is deployed. The nodes are cannot be charged so there is a need for Energy-Efficient protocol to choose a better cluster. The nodes are grouped into cluster and election of Cluster Head (CH) is a vital task in WSNs. This paper presents a better energy-efficient model for WSNs. The proposed model called K-LEACH (Klustering-LEACH) presents a novel idea in election of CH with the specified parameters such as residual energy, distance, threshold energy, total nodes of cluster and forms a cluster in order to work in an efficient manner. The proposed scheme is suitable for large scale networks where the energy is one of the main constraint. Efficiency is also enhanced by utilising the power amplification models of the proposed scheme. By the simulation results obtained K-LEACH is comparatively better in energy-efficient model for WSNs.

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