( Online- ISSN 2454 -3195 ) New DOI : 10.32804/RJSET

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Vol -  7, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 5 - 12  (2017 ) DOI :


In this article, we offer an energy and data proficient routing protocol for wireless body area networks (WBAN) using sensors and multi-hop routing. We have introduced redundant nodes at mobile positions. These nodes transmit data to the sink node. However, in order to avoid duplicate data transmission, we forward data of only one node among the adjacent sensor nodes. Next we have chosen relay node which transmit data of another nodes. The selection of relay node is based upon its residual energy, its distance from the sink and from its neighbors. The energy and distance constraints provide balanced power consumption. Distribution of redundant nodes avoid link break in case of movement of human body and removal of duplicate data reduces extra energy consumption. Simulation results prove that the IIEPDR protocol lower the overall energy consumption and increase data information during the network operations. Availability of redundant nodes maintains data delivery towards the sink in all situations (mobile and idle).

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